I got a chance to interview Katia Decker, the lead singer of the Symphonic Metal band Astral Eyes. She inspires me to jump out of my comfort zone and explore new things. She’s strong and gutsy, and the “classy sexy” like the old movie stars.
Something in her voice reminds me of Marian Anderson. She has that strong, soulful feeling in her voice.
Interview with Katia Decker
Why did you get into music?
I’ve always been involved in music. As long as I can remember, I’ve been singing to myself, in school, in church, to people, whatever. Whenever I’m bored, I’m singing. It makes life more interesting.
What do you like best about being in a band?
That there’s a group of talented people to bounce ideas off of. It’s not so many that nobody gets hurt, but I’m not on my own. We’d do much better than any of would do by ourselves.
Who’s your favorite singer?
I’m not sure. There’s a bunch of different styles I enjoy, so picking one singer would be about as hard as picking one movie.
When did you start singing?
I guess not quite at birth, but about one and a half or so. (Laughs). I don’t know. I don’t remember a time that I wasn’t singing.
Did you ever take vocal lessons?
Yes. I took them from a relative who also was a Professor at a college in Iowa. Plus, the lessons that you get when you’re in choir. But the private lessons, I got a lot more out of them as far as learning how to do things with my voice.
So you did sing in a choir?
Yes. I sang in choir all through school and I also was in choir at college.
Who is your mentor?
In life… Well, there are different people who influenced me. But someone who stands out is my seventh grade math teacher. She taught me how to harness my annoyingness and make it work for me instead of against me.
Who made your dress?
It was custom made. I love costumes and I love performing. I love being on stage and just being charged by the energy from the crowd watching me. The energy of the crowd gives me energy. So this dress was actually made for a theater performance.
Thanks for your time, Katia.
Thanks. Was nice talking to you.
Interview of Katia Decker by Kate. Kate is an adventurous woman who is tired of working other people and is ready to plunge headfirst into self-employment. She loves traveling, reading, music, food, life, and exploring new ideas.